Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Write Time Assignment-- Me and Sven made good

Well, I got the time to write the assignment for my Write Time workshop. The funny thing is-- it's a scene that is upcoming in my story, Making of a Man. It's not for a while yet, and while I am a major linear writer-- occasionally I do enjoy doing a scene out of sequence. In this case, in 20 minutes I managed to write over 1k. Even better-- it's so going to set up the original scene I had seen in my head for the story. *grins* My happiness abounds something fierce. So Sven is happy, Cyn is happy, and the crew who want MORE of MOAM will be happy. Why? Because for the first time since the original scene-- I typed it on my computer. That's right-- I didn't handwrite the damn thing. YAY!!! I still need to transcribe and edit the 29 pages of handwritten stuff for MOAM, but right now, I'm celebrating this accomplishment. Plus this 20 minutes FLEW by. Candace Haven is doing something right for me-- but I'm not quite sure what just yet!

So today's total--- 1,222 words

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