Wednesday, July 30, 2008

CoW- To Plot or Not to Plot Pt.1

What are the basic components of a good story?

Many authors and writers have different ideas on this. I make reference to Vogler’s The Character’s Journey and Morgan Hawke’s Cheater’s Guide to Erotic Romance Novellas.

Depending on if you’re writing a one or two main character story, that will decide how long and what kind of components you’ll have.

For a one person story, my story and characters are usually run like this-

1.) Intro to a crisis. - This is what starts the action of placing the character in motion and sets the plot in motion.

2.) First test/trial – Normally, the hero/heroine faces their first obstacle – usually physical with a slight nod of the internal conflicts. Normally I have them fail with a slight success to balance them enough to keep going.

3.) Twist to the Second Test. – This is usually internal conflict caused by external factors. This is a good place for a couple of red herrings, a few attempts to try to do something (and somewhat succeed). Normally this is where I have the characters begin questioning why they’re acting/reacting in certain ways. This also begin some resolution, though it’s not fully actualized in the mind.

4.) 1st Major Change/Semi-resolution – At this point we’re about halfway through our story. At this point, I toss the character into a point where external & internal conflicts collide. Why? Sagging middles are not good. By forcing the characters to face a mini version of what’s to come, you give the characters a chance to step up using the new techniques and resolutions. Depending on the genre of the story – the character fails completely, at least for me. Why? The lessons learned so far aren’t easy to do when they’re not natural. Thus at a crux point in the conflict, the old established beliefs hold say because the new beliefs aren’t helping. (Or so they think.)

5.) Grief State – I call this the grief state because now comes the time where the character after losing a battle (& fearing he’ll lose the war) begins the process to truly change and face his internal conflicts. From anger, depression, bargaining, etc – the character will grieve until he’s resolute in his course.

6.) Practicing while Turning – This time he hits either an internal or external or both and wins. It’s a major accomplishment and he feels he’s getting where he needs to be. This is where I, the author, give the character time to celebrate but then quickly move him to the hardest moment in his life.

7.) The Black Moment – After being lulled a bit, this is where I throw the lot at the character. I do it without letting up and force choices – both good and bad. But the hero knows now, he’s learned and conquers this. Though he wins, he knows there’s always a price.

8.) Resolution Station – Here we tidy loose ends, resolve the sadness of the bad part from the Black Moment, solve the mystery for others, etc. In the romance genre, we show the HEA or HFRN.

How does it work for TWO characters?

Just like above though you add a few more midpoints between the beginning & middle and the black moment. That allows you to overlap internal and external goals and conflicts and have each character’s growth be shown. So instead of 8 points you might have 10-12. This will also lengthen your story.

How many subplots should you have?

For very short stories, you often stick to one issue to be resolved – locked room mystery, falling in love, saving the universe.

As you increase the length, you add in internal and external goals/conflicts to deepen the main goal/conflict. Though they don’t have to seem related, these subplots should support the whole theme in some manner.

Also, you may set a short-term goal as a subplot.

Example – Saving the universe but while doing so the intrepid heroes must acquire a sacred object stolen in antiquity. By retrieving said object, the heroes gain an alliance that could help their main goal.

What if your main plot is weak, but you really want to use it? What do you do?

Think about making it a scene for a subplot. Or figure out the larger picture. Ask yourself questions to find out just what's needed to make the story longer and more indepth. What is the theme of the story? Oooh, that alone is a new topic. One where we will pick up come next week.

(continue reading &aquo;)

Pagan: Cheese (the easiest ever!)

This cheese recipe came to me from my gramps and verified by a Romuva member. I grew up with a cheese that wasn't like anything else I had tried since. It was soft, pale, but my gramps would make it and flavour it in many ways. Finally, after searching his cookbooks and getting the information about Lithuanian suris, I've finally gotten a good recipe for this cheese. (I'm so excited!)


1/2 gallon milk

2 Tbsp lime juice or white vinegar

Assorted seasonings-- cumin seeds, red pepper flakes, garlic powder, dill, etc.


Heat the 1/2 gallon of milk to a boil, then remove it immediately from the heat. Stir in the lime juice. Keep stirring for 2-3 minutes until curds form and separate from the yellowish whey. If they don't separate, use another Tbsp of juice or vinegar and keep stirring. Once they separate, let sit for 10-15 minutes.

Then pour into a colander lined with cheesecloth, letting the liquid go down the drain. At this point, I normally bring all four corners together, twisting it slightly, to help wring more liquid from the cheese. I let the balled mixture hang in the cheesecloth another few minutes or until the dripping stops.

At this point, you can add in various seasonings, then mold your cheese into a container, or a specialized mold that you've bought, etc. Once you've put it in a mold, you'll want to place a heavy object on it, to not only disperse remaining liquid, but to also help it to conform to the mold.

One thing to note- this cheese doesn't melt much, which makes it good to make cheese sticks, and other goodies where you want the cheese to remain fairly intact. (continue reading &aquo;)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Personal: When Friends find you

Gods, this week has been intense. I'm on vacation- the first time since mom died in January. I miss her, but I also remember her lessons well. A month or so ago, I got an email about an old friend. It took a while, but we're back in touch again. The funny thing is-- this friend can tell stuff about my past that No One else knows. LMAO

Two years ago, Eric came back in my life. Now Leslie. We keep this up, we're going to end up with a huge collection of our old friends getting together for vacation or something. But this...this is a blessing I needed.

What a great moment for me. Leslie-- I've so missed you. Now if you even think of getting me to sing again-- we're gonna talk. LMAO (continue reading &aquo;)

The Sweet Taste of Completion

I'm on vacation this week. More importantly, I'm working on my writing. That's important to me and something that's been lacking for a while. This is day 3 of my vacation and the first day I spent just hanging out and doing fun things while packing to take myself to the male's house. Yes, I'm spending my week with my male. It's good for me, and for him. (Though he might deny it. LMAO)

What's interesting is that yesterday, my first real day of writing-- I finished a story that I've been having trouble. It's done, it's over double it's original length and more importantly-- I love the story again. I had always felt I had short-changed it. Now it's done. And I'm waiting to hear back about it. LMAO Life is good. I'm getting back into the submission process too.

This week, Liz Viehl, the Paperback Writer, is hosting Left Behind and Loving It Workshops for those who aren't attending RWA National. Honestly, I'm enjoying it more than I should. (I've got writing deadlines!) And it's reminded me of my own blogging regimen I need to get back into.

Yesterday I was supposed to blog about Paganism...and in fact, I'm gearing up for Lammas, also known as Lughnasadh. I'm preparing a meal feast for my male, my nephew, and myself. What will be fun is that it's one of those holidays for me as a Pagan that helps give thanks to things that I don't get to spend much time with-- the outdoors. Due to allergies and other lovely pathogens in the environment, I have to play with the outdoors carefully. But I can cook and I can celebrate in my own special way. And that we'll talk about later once I'm done with my 2k for the day. LMAO I'm about 1k in and need another 1k to be happy.

There's something about completing a long term project that just makes you feel so good. For me, it's a sweet taste that I'm savouring because it's been a long time coming. (continue reading &aquo;)

Friday, July 25, 2008

Friday Flash-- Lord of Abs vs. the Angel of Death

This is a story that I've sat on for years. I'm not great at romantic comedy, but this story every so often pops up and bites my ass. *grins* That day, I'll be able to use this story idea and we'll see what happens.

Nick Giovanni sped his motorcycle down the street. Granted that it wasn’t the normal means of traveling he enjoyed as a superhero, but one must maintain appearances for the rest of humanity. Lakeland wasn’t one of his usual stops, but this time he was here for a reason.

A dog darted out into Lakeland Hills Boulevard in front of him. Nick swerved, missing the dog, but causing his motorcycle to slide sideways along the road. The mutt scampered away as Nick’s body slammed into the pavement. He tried to brace himself after the impact, but there wasn’t enough time.

* * *

Angelique Dawson, Jocelyn Rogers, and Ayumi McCabe emerged from the diner. They laughed at Ayumi’s joke as they waited to cross the busy street. They heard the crash before they saw it, the black motorcycle skidding across the asphalt road. Angel dashed into traffic, heedless of what could happen to her.

She bent before the man whose helmet laid split in half beneath his head. Quickly, she examined him for any injuries. His leg was somewhat shredded as it bled from open wounds caused by being dragged. As she laid her hands on his wound, he stirred beneath her touch.

His eyes tried to focus on the shape before him. The sunlight created a halo effect around the blonde hair of the person whispering comfort to him. He blinked again as warmth emanated from her. “Are you the Angel of Death?” he asked hesitantly.

Angel smiled. “I’ve been called the Grim Reaper because of what I did to Fred and Ethel, but never have I’ve been called the Angel of Death.”

His audible gasp caused her to place her hands firmly on his wound to stop the bleeding once again. He whispered, “Why do I think I should be afraid?” Then his eyes fluttered closed as unconsciousness surrounded him.

“Because most people are?” Angelique whispered as she tended his injuries the best she could. Seeing the damage to his leg, she placed her hands on it and began setting it as well as she could, using her metahuman abilities. “Where’s the ambulance already?”

“It’s coming. How is he?”

“I need you to check his pulse. He seems shocky. I’m trying to keep him from bleeding out too much.”

“Careful with your ability.”

“Well, the Lord of abs ain’t going anywhere quick, now is he?”

“Lord of abs?”

“Take a look at the six pack he’s got, you tell me?” Angelique said as she bit her bottom lip while trying to use her talent for degeneration for regeneration. Her mentor had tried to teach her, but it wasn’t always easy or successful, thus the reason her air ferns, Fred and Ethel were deader than a doorknob.
Blog Post: Friday Flash-- Lord of Abs vs. the Angel of Death

Friday, July 18, 2008

Flash Friday-- Who's in Charge?

Today's flash is themed on Changeling Press's Bar and Grill theme-- Sex anywhere and everywhere. The idea of sex in such an adventurous manner has been playing at my mind all day while at the day job. But more importantly, it made me think about what is one person's adventure is another person's idea of boring. So, finally, after some thought, I think I have a decent sequence put together. It's....definitely different.

~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"I'll give you anything you want, except what you really want," Lila purred as she stroked Xavier's bare chest. She reveled in the fact that she managed to chain him before he realized her intentions. "But if you're good, you can earn what you want."

Xavier's eyes closed as if trying to ignore Lila's nails rippling over his nipples. "Please, Lila. You know I don't know how to be a good slave boy like Darius." His eyelids fluttered as she pinched one sensitive nipple, finally letting her see those gorgeous onyx eyes. "Pick on him, but I won't give into your games. He likes them."

Lila snorted as she continued to stroke Xavier's naked, chained body. The sound of the chains rattling reinforced the growing need in her. Xavier often made her the toy in their games, but tonight would be different. "Yes, but you like playing games too. In fact, this place was your idea." She gestured to the night club where people danced around the cage Xavier and her stood in. "You wanted to splay me here for your sexual needs. But instead, you're the captured one. How does it feel?"

"I hate it. Release me, Lila. Because when I get out, I will punish you for this." His words were harsh and filled with rage. She knew that he felt caged like an animal that needs to be free. My precious panther, when will you learn that you're only as free as your mind lets you be? I can control you with my submission as I will rule you with my strength.

"Personally, I think you should let me fuck him as you suck his cock. Then force him to fuck you while I do him in the chains," Darius remarked as he climbed into the cage. Lily smiled at the almost naked male. Darius was truly a Switch-- both dominant and submissive. He submitted only to women strong enough to handle his magick and dominant to all other preternatural males. It's what made Lila love him. But there was Xavier to deal with.

"Down, Darius. Xavier likes to do the deed, not be the recipient. He doesn't like to the receiver. But tonight is different." Lila slapped Xavier's leather clad cock. "Tonight is about me and my control. My needs. Xavier, you might be were, but I am the ruler of all animals--including you. You will obey or the punishment of this will be prolonged until you break. Understood?"

"Never!" Xavier spat at them both. (continue reading &aquo;)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Book Trailers-- I finally did one!

Yuppers, I did, I did! I've uploaded it onto Youtube. It's for my books, Shades of Fyre, the easiest book to put together something. I'm hoping the next time I've got downtime that I can do one for Treaty of Desire or one of my other books at Loose Id. It was fun to do! Shades of Fyre Book Trailer

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Lounging with Raine Delight

Welcome to the Lounge of Cyn. Today we have a special guest, Ms. Raine Delight. Trust me; this author is someone you want to put on your TBB SOON pile.

Cyn: Welcome to the Lounge, Raine. *waves the male harem towards Raine* Please take good care of Raine while we chat, gentlemen. Raine here deserves some extra special loving today. Tell me a bit about yourself, Raine. How did you get started writing romance?

Raine: Hi Cyn {hums with approval over the lovely display of eye candy}, what a lovely place you have here. Thanks for inviting me. Let’s see something about myself huh *eyes glaze over as they start to give a foot massage*. *shakes head* Well, I am a single mom of two ages 6.5 and 8, have a boy toy of my own *smiles wickedly* and I am a lover of books. I started writing over 2 years ago and with a few missteps with a publisher or two, I finally found a place that I enjoy being at. I am a HUGE HEA girl. I love romance and all the trappings. Heck I am a Libra so go figure that I put much on little things like flowers for no reason, little notes to say “I love you” and other stuff like that. My favorite thing in writing is having two completely opposite characters find that the sparks they have between them makes one dang hot fire! *grins wickedly*

Cyn: I know you write paranormal romance. Why paranormal? Why not straight contemporary?

Raine: Paranormal is a fun genre. I can explore to my hearts content over different aspects that everyone knows about and add in my own imaginative things to keep it different, fresh and interesting. I can’t do a straight contemporary if you paid me to. *shrugs* For some reason, it just doesn’t interest me in any way. I like the way paranormal fits inside my head and in my stories. I am branching into Sci-Fi Futuristic Romance, Fantasy romance and other genres like that. Makes me feel like I am thinking outside the box, so to speak.

Cyn: What led to the creation of Devon Falls? How did the initial idea of a series set in that location come to you?

Raine: Devon Falls *smiles softly*. I just read a book that sucked, plain and simple. TSTL Characters, a very weak plot line and other flaws that had me gnashing my teeth and muttering I could do better. An author friend, Skyler Sinclair told me to do it and I took aspects of my hometown, added in some very imaginative characters and plot; VOILA! Devon Falls was born! Sticky Magic, the 1st book was written in one week and from then on it took off. I never expected it to have 5 books much less the response to the whole series as a whole. J Each book except the very last one is set around a holiday. Sticky Magic is Christmas, Red Hot Magic is Valentine’s Day, Fiery Magic is 4th of July and Haunting Magic is Halloween. Each has some aspect of the paranormal, be it magical mages, shape shifters or something like that but all have one thing in common: the characters all find a love worth fighting for and sharing. J The final book is something of a mystery but you do get a hint of what it may be in Fiery Magic. *grins wickedly* Each book also has a character that is the next book’s hero/heroine. Something really different and unique if I say so. *laughs then groans as the lovely boys hits on my arches with delightful pressure*

Cyn: What was the best writing advice given to you when you first started writing?

Raine: To write, write, write and then write some more. I am a busy mom and frankly try to write during the day when kids are in school. With summer vacation coming, I may alter my schedule a little especially as we have family vacations, birthdays, and high school graduations coming up. Weekends I leave for family. This is my down time and I desperately need it. LOL I try to treat this as a job but sometimes life just gets in the way and I may not write as much but I always try to write at least 500-1000 words a day if I can during the week.

Cyn: What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

Raine: To write what you know then expand it! Keep learning from more established authors and try to do free workshops if possible. I try to get some workshops in on anything I can to help me learn more on my craft. Write what you know then smash it by going beyond what you know and expand the horizons. Always make sure to read publishers submission rules carefully!!!!! That is very important. I also try to beta test something on an impartial person, be it an author friend or a crit partner. I like finding out what doesn’t work before I submit so I can change it and polish it up even more before submitting so I can get an acceptance letter rather than a rejection letter.

Cyn: *leans forward and motions for two men to begin the massage on Raine’s lower back* Tell me, Raine, who inspired you to write such erotic love scenes? How do you keep inspired when writing?

Raine: *moans as they hit one particular troublesome area* My god Cyn, I am definitely going to have to come back for some more relaxation. *Evil Grin*

*laughs* My honey loves being my “research partner”. According to him, it is all in the name of research! *Laughs softly* Most of the stuff I write is sensual to explicit. I don’t believe in close door romance. I find that sex is a natural part of life and once you stop feeling like that then it is all down hill. Maybe some are uncomfortable with that but heck, I like sex and the way it is between two people who love and cherish each other. To me that is romantic and special. I try to make the books I write have that foundation before they generate to a bedroom, a wall, heck a counter top or the floor. *laughs* It is all imagination though I have been known to partake in some sensual bondage games with the honey sometimes. *Wide innocent grin*

Cyn: If you had a choice between plain cheesecake and chocolate chip cheesecake, which would you choose?

Raine: *swear softly* You do know my weakness Cyn. *laughs* Neither. Give me White Chocolate Carmel truffle cheesecake. LOL I like the unusual and decadent!

Cyn: What makes a hero? How do you create your heroes?

Raine: My heroes have flaws of some kind, but their heart is good and in the right place. A flawed character gives the author more to work with then a perfect one because face it; there are NO perfect people though from what I see on celebrity news, many think they are perfect. *snickers*

They come to me, either in flashes or voices in my head though it is always when I am drifting off to sleep and I am swearing a blue streak to the voices to contact me on my office hours. *grins* I start writing and they end up telling me what they look like, what they like and who they love/lust for. It is fun to unwrap the layers and get to the soul of them and find that the woman of their dreams is actually one that may or may not be right for them. My muse is one demanding bugger and he likes to take some naughty side trips to nude beaches and sip mai tais. *laughs* I swear some days he enjoys watching me swear at him and pound out words on the computer and then have him come swooping in to save the day. I swear he has a hero complex. LOL

Cyn: What is Raine up to now? How can readers contact her and find out the latest?

Raine: I have so many WIP’s in different stages it is not funny. LOL I am writing a Space Pirates series that I am interested in another publisher for, add in a romantic comedy with paranormal elements, a BDSM-themed paranormal, plus a few others, I am going to be one busy bee this year. Plus I am writing the 4th book in Devon falls, Haunting Magic and then I am letting it rest a spell to write other stuff and then in 2009 I will write the final Devon Falls book. Also AMP just contracted my Fantasy Romance called Fairy Kisses and Magical Dreams. It has a magical Faberge Egg, romance and a hot Fae Prince determined to get out of an arranged marriage by finding his destined mate. Look for that either end of 2008 or early 2009.

To find out about what I am up to, you can go to these places:

Website: (I am in the process of getting a new website loaded and will be unveiling it, I hope, over the summer).


My Space (come be my friend):

Email: OR

Raine’s Sinful Seductions Newsletter:

Raine’s Chat Loop:

Come on over and sit a spell. I enjoy meeting new people and seeing what they enjoy in books.

Cyn: Can you share a bit of your next release with us?

Raine: Fiery Magic comes out July 4th. In just *looks at calendar and counts* 16 days! This is Alicia and Damien’s story. It is emotional and sexy to my eyes. Basically it is a story of redemption, of finding that the love you thought died was still there and about forgiveness.

Three years before, Damien Dracon destroyed Alicia Stevens (Jenna’s sister from Sticky Magic) heart and from then on he has regretted that he lost the one woman who was his mate, his love and the only one who made him whole. Fast forward to three years later, Damien came back to Devon Falls, determined to win back her heart and show that love can be sweeter the second time around. Alicia and Damien both have secrets that threaten this fragile love that blooms again and add in a twin brother, Rodrick who thinks every woman is his to use and toss aside, secrets and sinfully hot sex, you get Fiery Magic. J

This one was special to me because I wanted to show how two people can come together, get ripped apart by choices that they had to make even if it was the hardest thing they had to do and find that love always wins over time. Revisit Devon Falls and find out if Alicia will bring Damien to his knees and both will end up with more than they ever thought possible. Can Alicia forgive the man who broke her heart and who she still loves even after the hurt that lingers in her deepest part of her soul? Can Damien win over the cynical woman that Alicia has become? Everything comes to head when these two find that love is always sweeter the second time around.

The wonderful Celia Kyle did the cover and I have to say…she did a beautiful job capturing the characters on the cover. I have heard that many love Alicia’s eyes on the cover and that they are very striking. *grins* I can’t wait to see how Haunting Magic’s cover will look once I get that into Aspen Mountain Press.

*groans as the boys deliver a wonderful massage* God Cyn, maybe you should offer package deals for the boys/girls and let us buy an hour of their time for “relaxation”. *grins wickedly* Thanks for having me here and I thoroughly enjoyed my first time here. *laughs* I look forward to more visits. J