Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Pagan: Elements- Water

So far in our discussion of the Elements, we've talked about Earth and Air. Today's topic is that of Water. Water is fluid, changeable. When working with this element, we discover the fine art of flexibility. When it comes to the duality of the Elements, we discover that Water has more of a feminine quality. This is why sailors often called the ocean and the seas as their "mistress."

Water is a neutral element, though because of its flexibility has the ability to become positive or negative very easily. Which, when you consider how quickly water can go from helpful to destructive, makes sense. Let's talk a bit about the positive and negative aspects of water.

Positive: reacting to change in a flowing manner, cleansing, nourishing, flexibility to attain shape of various containers, able to help with healing

Negative: ambivalency, indiscriminate flooding, drowning, unable to hold form without help.

What about the Elementals associated with water? Undines are elemental creatures similar in looks and nature to mermaids. They are the essence of water and their natures reflect that clearly. We have many accounts of undines from people who've been helped or hindered by them and other water element creatures. If you take the time to see- you might even see an undine playing today at a lake or stream.

Lesson One: States of Water

This is magick and science in one. Growing up, we're all told about the states that water can take- liquid, solid, vapor. We're going to do this as well, but with a slight change. Fill 3 glasses about 2/3 full of water. Place one in the freezer, dump the contents of another into a pan on the stove while turning on the heat to medium high, and place the third on the windowsill. Let's start with the water on the stove.

As the water boils, feel the steam forming as the water molecules get faster and faster. Feel how clean and hot it can be. Think on how steam can not only purify, but also help to lift that which burdens you away. Concentrate on this moment, the burdens you bear-- and then release them into the pot of water, letting them boil away. When there is only an inch or so left, place a lid on the pan, then turn off the heat. Realize that the steam will now condense back into a purified water...allowing you to see how the positive and negative can so easily mix and how the element can help us to purify ourselves and allow in what we want to. Feel the creativity within you becoming free and allow your mind to imagine the possibilities and how to make them into reality.

Now turn to the glass on the windowsill. Depending on the temperature of the house and the sunshine, you might notice that some of the water has evaporated into the air. Otherwise, look closely at the water. Notice how it retains the shape of the glass it's in. It's malleable, fluid. Able to take the shape of anything when poured in or out of it. Take it to the sink and slowly pour the water over one free hand. Notice the texture of how the water feels as it touches you. See how it rinses away dirt and other things on our skin. See how it manuevers over the crevices and bumps of our skin, thus making new paths as it follows gravity. Just as water flows over and around things, allow your mind to let your thoughts pass over and around the blocks presented to you. Allow yourself the freedom to think past those things and find solutions.

After a couple of hours, go to the freezer and remove the glass with the now frozen water. You might notice that it's not all frozen. Notice how the ice has formed and its clarity or lack thereof. Touch the surface and notice how the element has gotten colder, harder, keeping its shape. Just as imagination is fluid and free, it can also become concrete and set in place by giving it solidity. Think on the things you'd like to accomplish, visualizing them coming true and seeing them to fruition.

Lesson 2: Cleansing Ritual

One of the most important uses of Water is in cleansing rituals. We allow water to cleanse away impurities, help bring our minds into focus for the magick we're going to work. With this in mind, creating our own cleansing ritual is vitally important to each person who works magick.

Put together a cleansing ritual by thinking on what items you'll need to prepare the mood, what bath salts or oils you'll need to bathe in, and what the ritual means to you personally. Put together some phrases to use while you prepare the ritual bath, sprinkle the salts or oil into the water, and what you'd like Water to help you with. Don't be afraid to get creative or use rhymes. It's okay to make a template so you can adapt the ritual for other uses- the idea here is to use Water for purifying the various things you do and make an outline you can use that is familiar, and gets you into the correct frame of mind to cleanse yourself before working high magick. (continue reading &aquo;)

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