Friday, October 24, 2008

Pagan: The Basic of Magick

I was working magick and I realized that some people don't understand the science of magick. Today, we're going to talk a bit about how magick works. Some of the best definitions of I've heard all reduce how magick works to a simple phrase.

The phrase is this-- Magick is the process of changing your reality to bring about what you want.

Sound familiar? If you've read about The Secret by many authors, they talk about how you see it, believe in it, and it will happen. Well, that's magick-- in a nutshell.

What makes it different from The Secret is that we use other methods to help focus our belief and intentions in the direction we want. We use ritual to help create the atmosphere to send that intention and need into the universe to be answered. Some pagans don't have a formalized ritual style, they just cast their spells verbally or non-verbally into the universe and others have stylized formats specific to the need and desire.

How does this work? Let's take an example. Let's say you need to find a new job, the one you are at is bad for your health and it doesn't pay well. So, you want to get a job that not only pays more, but suits your personality. As a magick-practicing pagan, it's time to break out the research books and put together a spell to help you not only see it become reality, but to open you up to the possibilities out there.

You make sure to get 2 green candles (green meaning fertility, money, and luck), you also get out your patchouli oil to anoint the candle. Since you know that patchouli is also a rich fragrance, bringing to mind money and luckiness, you are sure to use that on the candles and perhaps to also use it for your incense. Then you grab a piece of paper and using a green pen, you write about your skills, your needs-- more money, better insurance, and wanting a job that uses your skills and makes you happy. By writing down your needs and your desires in regards to the job-- you're showing the universe what you bring to the table.

Then you prepare yourself according to your tradition-- cleansing bath, initiating a circle of protection, etc. Asking for the gods and the universe to be there and acknowledge your existence, you then light the gods candles and ask for the blessings of the Elements. Once you've done that, you focus your mind on what you want-- a new job with better benefits, more pay. You even imagine in your mind what kind of jobs would be best for you. You see yourself finally getting your dream job that not only showcases your talents, but provides everything you need. You see yourself accomplishing so much... and you read aloud your list that you've prepared.

You ask for the universe to bring you the opportunities to get the job of your dreams and to bring you chances to advance to where you want to be. You rub the candles with the patchouli oil, saying, "As I anoint this candle, I see my future. I see happiness in a job that provides what I need. With this, it shall be as I see it." Then you continue with the second candle.

You light both candles saying, "I see a new job that provides all that I need and that I can be happy in. It fulfills me and completes what I want. The universe sees my need and will provide it." Let the candles burn as you continue with the mental imagery, showing how you will be a success in the job...even if in your vision it shows you doing many jobs-- the idea is to believe yourself into a new job here. To see it as a reality, not as only a wish.

Once you feel the energy in you build, send it out into the world with "As I send this out, it shall return as a job that I want, that's right for me. So I believe, so mote it be."

Then blow out the candles and close your circle as you normally do. Repeat this ritual daily, weekly, until you get the right job.

Now does this mean that you don't do anything else? Of course not! It means that now you've put your intention to the universe, you prepare yourself by getting your resume ready, to send it out to places you might not have done before, and to check out the want ads. Back up your intentions with actions- by doing so, you'll have success. All magick does is help you to focus yourself to be more aware as your reality changes and gives you what you need.

Next week-- we'll talk about the next element. (continue reading &aquo;)

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