Friday, July 25, 2008

Friday Flash-- Lord of Abs vs. the Angel of Death

This is a story that I've sat on for years. I'm not great at romantic comedy, but this story every so often pops up and bites my ass. *grins* That day, I'll be able to use this story idea and we'll see what happens.

Nick Giovanni sped his motorcycle down the street. Granted that it wasn’t the normal means of traveling he enjoyed as a superhero, but one must maintain appearances for the rest of humanity. Lakeland wasn’t one of his usual stops, but this time he was here for a reason.

A dog darted out into Lakeland Hills Boulevard in front of him. Nick swerved, missing the dog, but causing his motorcycle to slide sideways along the road. The mutt scampered away as Nick’s body slammed into the pavement. He tried to brace himself after the impact, but there wasn’t enough time.

* * *

Angelique Dawson, Jocelyn Rogers, and Ayumi McCabe emerged from the diner. They laughed at Ayumi’s joke as they waited to cross the busy street. They heard the crash before they saw it, the black motorcycle skidding across the asphalt road. Angel dashed into traffic, heedless of what could happen to her.

She bent before the man whose helmet laid split in half beneath his head. Quickly, she examined him for any injuries. His leg was somewhat shredded as it bled from open wounds caused by being dragged. As she laid her hands on his wound, he stirred beneath her touch.

His eyes tried to focus on the shape before him. The sunlight created a halo effect around the blonde hair of the person whispering comfort to him. He blinked again as warmth emanated from her. “Are you the Angel of Death?” he asked hesitantly.

Angel smiled. “I’ve been called the Grim Reaper because of what I did to Fred and Ethel, but never have I’ve been called the Angel of Death.”

His audible gasp caused her to place her hands firmly on his wound to stop the bleeding once again. He whispered, “Why do I think I should be afraid?” Then his eyes fluttered closed as unconsciousness surrounded him.

“Because most people are?” Angelique whispered as she tended his injuries the best she could. Seeing the damage to his leg, she placed her hands on it and began setting it as well as she could, using her metahuman abilities. “Where’s the ambulance already?”

“It’s coming. How is he?”

“I need you to check his pulse. He seems shocky. I’m trying to keep him from bleeding out too much.”

“Careful with your ability.”

“Well, the Lord of abs ain’t going anywhere quick, now is he?”

“Lord of abs?”

“Take a look at the six pack he’s got, you tell me?” Angelique said as she bit her bottom lip while trying to use her talent for degeneration for regeneration. Her mentor had tried to teach her, but it wasn’t always easy or successful, thus the reason her air ferns, Fred and Ethel were deader than a doorknob.

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