Sunday, November 30, 2008

Pagan- Why the Ritual in Magick?

I know I spoke a bit on this topic, but today, I want to delve a bit more into detail on the hows, whys and explain why there are some cliches that are found within the pagan community which will always be there. Everyone has a ritual in how they do things- in fact, for many in the US, they participated in a huge ritual on Thursday. That's right- those who did a traditional Thanksgiving, have repeated a ritual that was handed down to them from their ancestors. Which makes you wonder- what is ritual and what place does it have in our lives?

The definition of ritual, as per is:
1. an established or prescribed procedure for a religious or other rite.
2. a system or collection of religious or other rites.
3. observance of set forms in public worship.
4. a book of rites or ceremonies.
5. a book containing the offices to be used by priests in administering the sacraments and for visitation of the sick, burial of the dead, etc.
6. a prescribed or established rite, ceremony, proceeding, or service: the ritual of the dead. 
7. prescribed, established, or ceremonial acts or features collectively, as in religious services.
8. any practice or pattern of behavior regularly performed in a set manner.
9. a prescribed code of behavior regulating social conduct, as that exemplified by the raising of one's hat or the shaking of hands in greeting.
10. Psychiatry. a specific act, as hand-washing, performed repetitively to a pathological degree, occurring as a common symptom of obsessive-compulsive neurosis.
–adjective 11. of the nature of or practiced as a rite or ritual: a ritual dance. 
12. of or pertaining to rites or ritual: ritual laws. 

Notice how many of the definitions are linked to the idea of a ritual or a rite, especially religious in nature. What interests me is also number 8. The definition that any pattern of behaviour or practice regularly performed in a set manner is also a ritual. It's this definition that links the traditional holiday entertainment to being ritual in nature. And because of that, it makes the ritual within using magick so easily understood and explainable.

It's like this. Magick is your force of will and belief in changing the reality around you so that what you want comes to be. For many within the Wiccan belief system, you're changing things with the idea of no one else being hurt. The idea of moving reality so others don't pay for your benefits within the universe. It's a huge reason many who are true practioners of magick hesitate before doing any kind of love magick that would bind another person. The idea here is free will and to find which the universe says is for you, not who you think is best.

Ritual in magick is a set of focuses that are created by you to help you focus your intent, focus your end result, and to build up energy to create what you want to happen when you work magick. Ritual is important because many spells must be done repeatedly and having it simplified into a ritual helps with the preparing of the mind, body and receptivity of doing such magick.

What goes into a ritual? Depends on the spell, actually. Are you wanting money? Are you wanting to be open to find your soulmate? Are you wanting a new job or perhaps a way to go back to school without putting yourself into huge debt? Spells can be used for so many different things- remember- working a spell is to help you change your reality and how you look at things- thus providing you new opportunities you'd never see before.

Ritual magick is considered higher magick by many because of the amount of work that goes into it. Whereas low magick, also known as hedge magick or personal magick doesn't require intense preparation, but can be done in a limited moment with hyperintense focus. So, why talk about ritual in magick? Because even in so-called low magick, you will find a basic pattern followed within the spell which is how each person works, tapping their own abilities while calling upon the Elements for their help.

The aspects that make up ritual magick start from the beginning of preparation through the end of the spell until the desired results occur. This is one reason that many pagans don't actively attempt ritual high magick. It's not that it's above anyone- it takes time and focus to develop, but it does take focus and determination to carry this out not just once but multiple times in the same order, in the same way to produce said results.This means, when you're wanting to create an indepth spell ritual for a particular result, you plan from the candle colour to the words said through what will be used to carry the magick charge and more.

Let's discuss what goes into a ritual. It starts with the reason for its existence. Are you creating wealth? Are you wanting better health? Do you want to be open to the love that everyone is welcome to have? You must know exactly what you want and what the end result should be. How it happens will always be flexible, because choices put other things into play and we know the future is always fluid in nature. Keep track of what you've done and what you're still having to accomplish in putting this together. I normally use my grimoire to keep track of what I'm doing and planning.

So, you continue researching on what colours are most effective to bring to mind what you're trying to do along with what is necessary to bring your focus into almost a trance-like state. Researching is a great way of bringing into focus everything you want to accomplish. Normally, I outline what the ritual will consist of from the Cleansing bath through the end of the spell. This includes cleanup and the charging of items. I outline all of these items to be done in my grimoire, and I highly recommend that if you are wanting to do this, you do so as well. This detailed outline will become invaluable the day of the ritual.

I know we've not covered about charging items such as amulets, but there are some great books and articles online dealing with the creation and use of amulets. Authors such as Raven Grimmasi, Amber K, and others have talked extensively regarding their use and the ease of creating such items. For me, I often use stones that I have a special small bag that goes everywhere with me. For me, it's a convenient, yet private way to have my magick with me, reminding me of my focus and goals.

Also, a small point- with outlining what I'm planning, this is when I begin crafting my spell. I use rhymes and couplets. Why? Because they're simple to remember and more importantly, there's power invoked in using rhymes. How so? Can you recite "Miss Mary Mack", "London Bridges", "Ring around a Rosie"? If so, you're showing the power of rhyming. It is simple, powerful and is easy to bring to mind when you need to have flow and confidence. It may sound silly to your ears, but trust me, when it comes time to doing the magick, you'll be grateful for having the simple rhymes which are written down in your grimoire to rely on.

Once I've decided on the day and time, I prepare everything- cleaning the work area where I'll be doing the spell, preparing the candles, preparing incense, making bath salts, etc. The idea here is that by doing such things, you're focusing on the coming ritual and the result- which charges the items you work with in that positive manner and for the purpose ahead. That day, I begin my ritual by taking a cleansing bath, using the prepared bath salts. My mind begins focusing on the task at hand, the ritual has begun.

After the bath is finished, I dress in my work robes, aligning the items to be used in the workspace, my mind focused on the magick created as I move and concentrate on what I want to do. This is when the outline, which has become quite detailed is invaluable. You won't have to think on anything but what you're accomplishing. The freeing of your mind to focus on the goal is a fundamental base which you will build upon. It's a meditation of sorts, one that allows every action you do within the sacred workspace be used to help in achieving your goal.

I follow my outline from the point I've set everything up forward. Since it's all on paper, it means nothing is left to chance. Yes, I've worked magick without writing down anything, but I do find that unless it's a spell I've memorized, it's easier to follow what's written down so nothing is forgotten. Using ritual in this manner, from start to finish, over a period of time- once a day for a week through once a week for months- allows you to focus on your goals and change your reality daily. The ritual effect is that it creates a sense of power within you that carries on in daily life. It's this reason that many people who take the time to craft rituals find them so powerful.

Rituals, like traditions help us to focus on the meaning, not just the actions of what we do. Ritual magick helps us focus on the intent of what we do by using actions and items which resonate within that meaning, within that result we desire. Though many people don't do rituals out of fear of them being too complex, start simple -- doing simple spells over a period of days and notice the results. Then lengthen the process where you break a spell down to be done over days- thus allowing it to build before it's released into the universe. Don't be afraid of using ritual magick, embrace it and the uses to which it can benefit you. (continue reading &aquo;)

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