Many people who believe in the four main elements of the Middle Ages- air, earth, water, fire, do not count spirit among them. For them, Spirit comes from man or a higher power, not part of the elemental focus. Yet, when you consider the balance of the elements, you can't deny the way Spirit unites them all. Spirit is truly a neutral element- neither male nor female, but both at the same time. To people who serve the spirit, the element often has female properties they see more often. Sometimes it's harder to discern the positive and negative of spirit, especially in how personal people see Spirit. But it can be done.
Positive: guidance, direction, balance inherent, balancing of positive and negative, inspiration, ghosts, astral travel
Negative: taking no responsibility, choosing one side over another, hauntings, lack of guidance, wandering aimlessly, refusing to deal with the mortal realm being too ensconced in the spirit realm.
The lessons for spirit are a bit harder than the ones for the other elements. One, because you have to be able to use your other abilities to help guide in the spirit element. Two, because it will take longer to see results. But, if you learn to work with Spirit, you will see a beautiful link to your own spiritual self and the connection to all the Elements.
Lesson 1: Remember the fire lesson with the candle? This time, we're going to use the candle flame to help us focus on the spirit and the universe around us. Go to a quiet room with no stray breezes. Do your usual ritual to begin working magick and calling upon the Elements. Light the candle, making sure that you're not too close, thus preventing your body from influencing the flame. This time, focus on and past the flame. Think of your focus like when you're looking at those pictures that have hidden pictures within it. The idea here is to almost to hyperfocus to the point that you see not just the flame but all that makes the flame burn. I usually know when I reach this part of focus when I find myself captivated by the sylphs who flow past the flame itself, enjoying themselves being lifted upwards by the warming of the air.
When this happens, open yourself up to the Spirit of the universe. Ask a question, ask about something you've always wanted to understand more about yourself or in this world. Allow yourself a chance to listen with your full mind. You might see pictures, sense emotions and more. If you have a notepad beside you, jot down the impressions while allowing yourself to receive them. Don't try to manipulate them, or see deeper within. Right now, you're just opening yourself to receiving what the universe would like to tell you. You'll know when you're finished, because normally you'll suddenly see the room for what it is and things will seem impossibly normal. It's your mind's way of bringing you back to this mortality.
Lesson 2: Take time to walk in a neighborhood or woods near your home. The idea is simple, allow yourself to communicate with all Elements, and allow Spirit to guide you in what you see, experience, and become aware of. You may find that you're inspired about something that normally doesn't reach out to you. But in this one time, one moment- you'll find that connection with things you normally don't notice. (continue reading &aquo;)
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