Friday, May 30, 2008

An Online newspaper for Pagans, especially witches

Every so often, I get information that just makes me wonder. When we hear of atrocities of abusers and the human rights gone wrong in other countries, we cringe. Yet, sometimes we forget that those who practice magick need a reliable source of news regarding others in our beliefs. Thus, a friend of mine brought this online newspaper to my attention.

Though it has a lot of what's been negatively going on in our world in regards to magick, there are some positive things as well. But the only way we can truly combat the negative connotations is if we strive to show the positive sides of being who we truly are.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link, will check it out :)

Cynnara Tregarth said...

I have to admit, I do enjoy the site. It's unusual, and it reminds me personally that sometimes the freedom of religion isn't always so free. But to think there's that much magic information out's a nice change of pace.