Sunday, March 09, 2008

The Enlightened Alpha Male

As any writer and reader of fiction, particularly romantic fiction, knows there are archetypes of males and females. There are alphas, betas, gammas, and occasionally you'll hear about omegas. Many talk about how alphas rock most. I won't disagree much, but I do think some of our perception has shifted over the years- just as romance has.

Growing up in the 70-80s, I remember sneaking my mom's Harlequins and Silhouette romances. The strong male that took care of his woman just overwhelmed me. I loved the idea of being cared for-- however I hated the wimpy women. Then there was a slide to wimpy men to strong women. Still I wasn't happy. Then it was strong men and women, but something was still off-- it was the male. He was still strong, but I had grown up. The old stereotype of the overbearing, protective male wasn't good enough anymore. I wanted a strong man who respected my strengths and my abilities to trust in me. So there I was in 2001 wanting something more, when I started buying Temptations and later Blazes, Brava and Ellora's Cave. Within them, I found the next evolution of alpha and others.

Yet, I had some issues with the alphas they presented. They seemed to catch on-- but not only late. For them, the enlightenment was the solving point of the romance in many cases. For me, that wasn't enough. I wanted a hero that took the best of everything and let the plot push the characters together. What I came up with was my version of the alpha male-- the Enlightened Alpha.

What is the enlightened alpha? He's strong of mind, body, and soul. He knows that he can take care of anyone and on his terms. He sometimes thinks that his way is best, but he's willing to listen to others before discarding their ideas. He's willing to let the love of his life take charge--and play pointman, just in case. He can be stubborn and irk the heroine at times, but it's because he cares enough to not want to put her in danger or let her get hurt just to let her prove a point. Yet, he gives-- he gives of himself, of his love, of his soul to the woman he's fallen for.

He has the occasional tendency to tend toward his ancestor's genetic. But he does try to stop it before it gets too big. He's willing to apologize but sometimes it takes a while. Why? Because again, some of his past ancestor genes make an appearance. But what really attracts me to the enlightened male is this-- for all that he is alpha, for all that he protects-- he wants protection, he wants love. Alpha males are weak in the fact that they need to take care of someone and in turn have someone take care of him. Without that give and take of caring-- they lose touch with everything else- thus emphasizing the more neanderthal aspects-- like controlling everything within his power so he can make sure it goes to plan.

Why do I like this enlightened alpha? Because he's real. He's loving, caring, with occasional lapses into his old ancestoral self. He's strong when he has to be and he lets those who have the power and knowledge in other areas lead when he can't. It's one reason I love reading authors who have this enlightened male in their stories. In fact, I highly recommend Joey Hill, JR Ward, all the LAW ladies, Cheyenne McCray, Red Garnier, and others who aren't afraid of embracing this more evolved, more desirable male in their writing. Take a gander at the enlightened alpha male. You might just find that you wish for him in both real life and in the imagined.

1 comment:

Hot Ash Romance Novels said...

Nice article. I agree with you and like my males still confident but not arrogant. Still strong, but not domineering. Thank you for recommending my heroes along with the products of so many other awesome authors' imaginations or experience! (grins) My guy's very much the enlightened Alpha.
