Thursday, October 11, 2007

Sweating with Sven

That's right-- for those of you familiar with the challenge given by Allison Kent-- I'm officially in. I'm gonna sweat for Sven. I'm off for the next three days, and starting my six days a week working for the day job, but goddess bless, I WILL do this. 93 days of torture and hellacious writing. My goal is simple-- I've got a couple of stories that need to be finished and edited. I've got a story I desperately want to finish because it's pouring out of me-- though only handwritten. That said-- I'm not able to do Nano this year, but Sven....Sven can almost get me moving to the groove.

Who knows, this might just get me back on track. Wouldn't that be nice.


Maggie Nash said...

Stop whimpering and stand up and me a Wo-man! LOL...

We're in this together Cyn!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Congratulations and good luck.

Mari said...

Yep, I'm in it too. I hope I have better luck other than today....I've done nothing yet. Kids are home. Lord!!

Maggie Nash said...

How's it going Cynn? Getting more done? Sinjin helping?

Go Go Go!!!

Cynnara Tregarth said...

How it going? *whimpers* Read my Svengali post. LMAO I'm trying to keep giving Sven some play on words when I post. to go and play postal worker on some of you all!