Dear Mr. President and company,
I’m writing this open letter to you today because it’s official—I’m not only disappointed in you as an American, but as a citizen of this planet. I wish I could say it’s only this one administration that I’m disappointed in, but it’s not. For the record, I voted for President Bush’s re-election but only because of having lived in the state Senator Kerry was from, he wasn’t the least devil to deal with for four years. But my voting preferences aren’t the issue—what is at issue is the repeated disregarding of the foundation of America as well as a failure to be part of the world citizenship in the now and in the future that you all as people who help shape the present and the future have failed in doing. I am ashamed to be American and you can pat yourselves on the back for that as I know I’m not alone in this sentiment. Let’s take a look at what problems you are associated with and how, at least for the politicians, as servants of the people—you will either start correcting your path or face expulsion in the next elections for failure to do what’s best for America. As for you, Big Business—be prepared—you’ve already lost business because of your lack of foresight and lack of responsibility towards this home we call Earth. Maybe sending you out in space to figure out how to survive would give you a reality check.
Number one—let’s start with this Big Business and Politician ass-kissing, money-giving bullshit to think only short-term and only for the special few. Last time I checked and as a student of history, America was founded on the idea of freedom—freedom from tyranny, freedom of religion, freedom of being forced to bend to people who don’t have our best interests at heart. Let’s be honest—big business is out for big business. You want to know why they’re doing things for their consumers now? Because they’re being told they’re fucking up, losing customers, and people are making not only tough economic choices brought on by big business, but to make sure that the environment and our future is considered. Accepting money from every damn specialty group is not a way to make sure people aren’t forgotten in making bills, laws, etc. It’s a way of influencing supply, demand, and also making sure that instead of making changes that help everyone, that it only helps a select few. Do you remember the beginning of the Declaration of Independence? How about the Bill of Rights? Remember the phrase—“All men are created equal”? If you do and you’re not making sure that every law and bill you create doesn’t help all people of all races, creeds, beliefs, genders, etc, then you are not being American nor are you following the laws set forth by the founding fathers. Don’t try to tell me how much money is given to politicians by big business that it helps the people—if you’re claiming it in your income tax statements—it’s not going to the people. Get real, we’re not stupid, and we know the score.
Big business, do you honestly think that we think better of you for buying off the politicians to push your own agenda across to the American people? Do you think we can be swayed by short-term things that you do to help people when in the long run, we know that for you the only thing that counts is the bottom line? The answer is no. If you’re not part of the short and long term solution, you’re definitely part of the problem. A part that needs to be dealt with or eradicated. Granted blowing all of you to bits is not a proper human emotion, but when I consider the pain, suffering, and terror you’ve caused for so many people over so many decades—there are moments when I think you all deserve that once you’ve been tortured and made to live the life that you’ve made so many others to live because of your stupidity and greed. In the immortal words spoken by many people through many eons—“Get over yourself.” You want long term customers? You want loyalty from workers and from buyers? Then do the right thing—make solid products, make them cost effective, stop over-extending yourself to keep up with the Jones’ company, and do right by the community in which you’re based in.
As for you politicians, stop taking bribes. And yes, by definition, taking money for consideration for anything is a bribe if it makes you vote against what your constituents have told you what they want. And by the way—if you accept bribe money, you need to be out of office, especially if you keep that money to yourself and not using it to help the community that voted your sorry ass into office. And yes, I said “sorry ass”. I have no liking for people who can be bribed as they don’t know which is left or right without having a wad of green shoved up their ass to tell them which is which. You want to serve all people within your community? Then serve them truthfully, remembering that you have all types of people who you are there to serve, protect, and represent in Congress. If you can’t do that, then you need to leave your job—you’re incompetent and can’t see beyond your own damn agenda—not the foundation of America.
The second issue to be discussed is separation of Church and State. Now, this in particular deals with you, Mr. President, so listen up, pay attention, and make sure that you break out the history book and your Bible. Yes, your Bible—people like you who claim to be Christian but can’t even follow the laws and precepts set out in the Bible are pseudo-Christians and have reminded me that even before Christianity was thought of and developed from Judaism (and yes, Christianity is a Jewish sect, just like Islam, so get over it), there were other religious beliefs that deserve to be remembered and followed. Call me Pagan to make it simpler for your mind to comprehend, since I doubt you could fully understand my belief system. Now, remember, one of the freedoms I mentioned before was the whole Church and State separated. This is a good thing. Do you know anything from the so-called Dark to Middle Ages in Europe? The whole Church ran and propagated law from its belief system and tortured those who didn’t believe the same way? Do you remember why the Puritans were highly encouraged to get the hell out of England? Do you remember why various religious sects came to America? It’s called the freedom of religion. The right to practice your own beliefs without worrying that the State would tell you that you’re wrong or that it would allow one religious system to run rampant over other people’s rights. You, Mr. President, are highly guilty of this. You have betrayed your oath as President to uphold American law, fundamentals, and the foundation. You have brought Church and State together for the detriment of many people. You and those who push their own religious beliefs to rule over all of America are guilty of breaking one of the fundamental reasons for the creation of this country. When you consider that you have even broken Biblical law. Remember that Jesus himself stated that his kingdom, the ones that his followers served was no part of this world. (See John 18:36) In fact, did he not encourage the separation of religion and state in Matthew 22: 19-21 when talking about giving back Caesar’s things to Caesar and God’s things to God? So, by being part of the government and taking active part in bringing Church and State together, you are breaking the laws set forth by God and the United States of America. What will you say to God when he asks you if you’ve followed all his laws? You can’t lie to him and he will definitely point out these facts to you, just as I do now.
Separation of church and state is not only important because of trying to keep one religion from dominating any other in America, but also because democracy cannot function properly with having religion influencing politics. Granted, America does not in any way practice true democracy, in the truest, more historical sense of the word—where everyone’s vote counts in all major issues, but even in this Republic sense of democracy, allowing religion, particularly the fundamentalists to run the roost doesn’t help it to run better, but harkens back to the Middle Ages. Personally, as interesting as the Middle Ages are, there’s no way I’ll live in a place that allows one religion (particularly one sect of said religion) to run my life. If you want to destroy America, then go ahead, break the law and allow church and state to combine and allow church to influence the law of the land. And when America collapses, you can pat yourself on the back and say, “God, I did such a good job in bringing a man-made Armageddon on my people I swore to serve, protect, and represent because I thought only about my beliefs and my wants. Aren’t you proud of me?” Just remember how God rewarded those who didn’t follow the laws given by him and the laws of man that he told you to obey. Shame on you, Mr. President, and the rest of you politicians who allow religion to influence your state responsibilities to all people in America, including the atheist, the Jew, the Muslim, the Pagan, and those of other beliefs by breaking a foundation law of America and thinking it’s acceptable—it’s not.
Three—we’re going to bring back big business in here again, along with the politicians—we’re going to discuss your stupidity in regards to Global Warming. Now, before you open your mouth and show yourselves as parrots who can mimic facts, figures and other things—let me acquaint you with some facts. I live in Florida. In the past 7 years, I’ve seen the increase of hurricanes hitting land and I’ve seen the result of pollution. Oh yeah, I’ve also been keeping up with data with regards to global warming in all its formats. Yes, most global warming is natural—however, pollution and the overuse of natural gases, coal, gas and oil has contributed to the acceleration of the warming process—putting the world at risk. See, you all forget one major thing—the United States is not alone in ruling or running the world. Your inactions affect other countries and other continents. You refuse to move forward in making our nation great by moving green, by cutting fossil fuel consumption and finding other ways of not only creating business, but also in preserving our world for the future. Don’t delude yourselves that your children, grand-children, or great-grandchildren are going to thank you for fucking up the earth to the point that it can’t be undone. Don’t think that we, the people who will be taking your place as the heads of government or business are going to thank you for making our jobs harder. Instead, you can basically pat yourselves on the collective back and be proud that you are the major fuckups of the world.
Taxing sugar created alcohol with 100% tariffs when it means we could reduce our consumption of gasoline and oil buying, yet not taking oil? Denounce terrorism with one side of your mouth while buying oil from terrorists and those who support terrorism? Refuse to be innovative and create fuel efficient cars, reduce the weight of cars, trucks on roads, and not doing roadwork right the first time in order to create a perpetual cycle of problems? Yeah, you got a lot to be proud of there. Oh yeah, and let’s not forget about the Kyoto Protocol, which would’ve forced both politicians and big business to get off their fat, lazy, greedy asses and get with the program. You do not deserve clean air, good food, or the land you live on because you’re polluting the rest of the world to do it. We talk about terrorism—let’s talk eco-terrorism. You are terrorists—by your refusals to get real, grow up, and start leading the way to a greener way of life. You are hypocrites of the highest level. You want third world countries to follow the Kyoto protocol, yet you won’t be part of it because it means you have to actually become innovative, get active, and stop whoring with those who don’t want to be responsible in helping preserve the earth as long as they get their money. You can all pat your backs for the devastation that was Hurricane Katrina. You can even thank your asses for all the hurricanes that hit the US in the past four years. Your inactions to protect the world that gave you the way to make money now costs the government and other businesses money, not to mention hurts the people you serve and you need to buy your products. Congratulations, you have won the award for lack of forethought and far-sight that I usually reserve for people who commit acts of murder and genocide. I guess we can refer to all of you as the eco-Hitlers of a new age, you’re killing species of animals and plants, and in the end, the human race. Too bad that your insight and innovation, which was the signature of America is lost to you, which has translated into loss of jobs, people leaving the country, and every other country not only laughing at the US, but proving that it’s just like the dinosaur—on the verge of extinction. Bravo—the bottom dollar is going to be the death of you, and you don’t have the brains to even see it. Gods above, save the rest of us from being condemned with you.
Perhaps you need to watch a few science shows to help you understand just how close we are to disaster. I can recommend the shows, “Addicted to Oil” and “Global Warming—what you need to know” as two things to start off with as they won’t overtax your brain. It’s obvious that becoming a green nation is going to cost a bit, but the more you encourage and lead the way to living green, to save the only world we humans can live on, the more that it shows that America is no longer out of touch with dementia and the more fellow Americans will do their part. As for you big businesses, who are about to cry about how to become more efficient and the whole cost to be greener than you are now—you are missing the big picture. If America falls or ends up being subjected to UN sanctions, do you really think you won’t be impacted? If the other nations in the Kyoto Compact act in unison, demanding that you obey world protocols or pay more money in taxes or sell at a loss, do you really think you’ll be in business much longer? Look at the long term picture, people. You’re losing a battle you cannot win. Mother Nature is fucking pissed at what we’ve done to it, and unless we make changes to slow down global warming to the normal level, we’re not going to survive as a race by the 22nd century.
There are plenty of ways of getting people to get green. Make tax incentives for people to buy products that are from green companies, that promote recycling, and make them available everywhere, not just a few places in the US. For big businesses, the reason for many things being more expensive is because that you refuse to get with the program and make things cheaper by making it part of your normal every day process. If you think that green can’t have an impact on sales—try looking at the publishing industry and see what impact electronic publishing is having on it. You might just find out how much more money and acclaim you can get from being the innovative, environmentally friendly business that lasts not just for a decade, but for many generations. The choice is simple—become a fossil fuel yourself or be part of the next evolutionary leap for businesses. How you want to be remembered by customers is up to you—but personally, I’d hate to be remembered as the company that contributed to the downfall of mankind by continuing to release dangerous gases into the atmosphere while using up fossil fuel to unviable levels.
When I consider these things, and talking to my friends who live in other nations, sometimes it’s really hard to be a proud American. Some say that 9/11 was a day where Americans as a whole stood up and showed that they could handle anything and keep going. I say that 9/11 proved that the United States is a dinosaur that refuses to evolve and be part of the world. I lost friends that day, and have friends who lost people that day. We, the survivors, have shown that we don’t view the world in the same narrow-minded, ignorant way that led to 9/11. Many of us have friends in various countries and we are highly aware of our role in the world. We have evolved and now we’re issuing you a warning—evolve or die out. There is no other choice. If you really love America as much as you say and you really support the foundation that America was created upon, then you would be doing everything in your power to protect all people, keep church and state separate, be innovative, and be the leader among going green in the world. We used to set the standard by which the rest of the world tried to achieve—we are now the laughingstock of the world because we’ve become the class clown who will never achieve anything beyond making others laugh. Many of us are trying to change it, one step at a time, but it’s people like yourselves that make each step a battle because you can’t own up to the great fuckup that you helped create and maintain. My grandfather said that the best way to make up for a mistake made is to get out there and do the right thing and make right your wrong. So, I challenge you all—politicians and big businesses alike—get off your ass and do the right thing—make America a great country to live in, to be proud of, and a place that once again leads the way for a better world for all of mankind.
Cynthia Witkus
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